Top World's Most Dangerous And Deadliest Roads You Never Believe They Exist | Watch Video

Top Most Dangerous And Deadliest Roads In The World You Never Believe They Exist | Watch Video

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1. Zoji La, India: this is incredibly road in india it is 5 miles long and it connects modac and kajmie not only it’s a road used by cars,  its not uncommon for the road to be blocked by live stock as well. If you’re driving down this dangerous road way and there is live stock all over the road it will be difficult to turn around because the road are too narrow. You will need to seat and wait until the live stocks leaves the area, not only is the road dangerous but it can also be frustrating.

2. Tranfagarasan, Romania: the Romanian copifigating mountain there is a road that stretches half      way up and down the mountain, it also wines all the way through. The road’s reach a maximum altitude of six thousand feet. Not only are the views from the highest point amazing, when you reach the highest altitude it is also very dangerous, some of the hills in the road drop so far, it feel as you run around the coaster. This road way is not travelled very often because it is very dangerous.

3. Dalton Highway, Alaska: there are several areas in Alaska that are remote and inhabited, thia makes up mile and miles of nothing but snow. There are and more villages in Alaska with very few people living there  connecting all three villages is the most isolated highway In the world. If you breakdown on this road it could be days possibly weeks before someone could come to your rescue. To make things even more dangerous, this is the snowiest highway in the world. Since it is not travelled often, it never get plowed, if you’re gonna be driving on this highway you better make sure your cell phone is fully charged you have supplies in the car and you really good snow ties.

4. Khardung La, India: when it  comes to dangerous roads, this is one of the most dangerous roads in the world, it is so dangerous that has been recognized by National Geography and Guiness World Book of Record. It is the tallest passed road in the entire world with the altitude of 18,379 feets, because of the dangerous height of this road it is not used very often. only the most experienced drivers are willing to travel this long, high widely road.

5. Yungas Road Bolivia: this road In Bolivia is one of the most dangerous I the Planet, each year between 200 and 300 people who travel through this road die because it so dangerous. One side of the road is mountain ad the side is a cheer cliff, this is barely in the visibility when you’re  driving. Therefore its easy to drive while off the cliff, consider all of the deaths that occurred on this road, you still wonder why people continue to drive it.

6. Atlantic Ocean Road, Norway: this road in Norway runs straight across the Atlantic Ocean which where the road got its name, this road is a popular tourist attraction because of broad taking views. It Is also  very dangerous road, during high tide the wave crash out the road, and is capable of sweeping vehicles right into the ocean, if you’re planning to go through this road to Norway you better go during the low tide.

7. Guoliang Tunnel, China: this stretchy road connects varieties of tunnels in china, the tunnels was built  by the low Couse in the area and it is the only access to the remote village. On one side of the road is the mountain, the other side is a drop right off the cliff. The tunnel on the side of the mountain are dark how ever there are the safest part of the road. When driver the drivers are  driving on  this tunnel there is a wall to prevent them. Considering the danger on this road but people heavily travels through here.

8. Le Passage du Gois, France: this road in france is very dangerous that is only opened for few hours each day, when the road is closed the tides rise its under water, if you have enough nerves to travel down this road, you should make sure you plan accordingly, if you wait too long you could end up sinking in the middle of the road when the tide comes up, if this could happen the opportunity of you coming out of the water might be slim.

9. Tianmen Mountain Road, China: this road in Tianmen Mountain is about 6 miles long, along the road are 99 high pain turn and each turn is more dangerous than the last, the road is even more dangerous because of its height, up the road you find yourself three thousand three hundred feets (3,300), if you miss judge just one of this heropean turns you could end up falling from up to the ground. The narrow road, the heights and the turns males this one of most dangerous road in the world.

10. Hana, Hawaii: Hawaii is known for being a tropical paradise, while Hawaii is a beautiful place, it does have its dangerous areas. There is a road that connects Sinai and colui that could be deadly when travel upon, the road is extremely narrow and  along the way there are 59 bridges, of those 59 bridges 46 have just one lane, this makes passing over the bridge extremely dangerous. If you’re planning to travel on this road you need the help of backup plan, there are so many land slides along the road that the road is often close, it can be especially dangerous if you’re driving down the road and you get cut land you slide your self.

11. Col de la Bonette, France: this is one the most dangerous road in france, it’s sloppy and high in the French house right near the Italian border. Along the road are some of these steepest and sharpest turns in the world. Driving along this road way is so dangerous, many people find alternate road, there are hundreds of Car accidents on this road every year many of them result to death.

12. Gotthard Hass, Switzerland: this road passes through the earth and when driving through the road you can see most of the beautiful sceneries in the  world’s, it is important that you don’t get too close to the beautiful views, because you need to really focus on the road in front of you. There are several twists and turns on this road, if you’re not careful you could drive right off the road and odwn the cliff.

13. Caucasus Road, Russia: this is a very narrow road that connects Ritats Lake and Sushi it is very high ontop the mountains, there is no broad ways on this road it makes driving on the road very dangerous, since the road is only wide enough for only one vehicle to pass it could get extremely dangerous if cars coming in both direction. There aren’t too many cars that take this road because of the dangers. The ones that do travel this road way do so extremely cautiously.  Even though the road is dangerous but few are bond to take it.

14. The Island County Bridge, Washington:  this place in Washington is relatively dangerous not dangerous as it looks in this photograph, the photos are Actually migrated from the Google Earth, how ever the bridge can still be dangerous to pass. The bridge itself is straight but they aren’t safety way to protect you in case of accident, once you cross the bridge you are on land but the bridge is still dangerous, if you are driving on this stretchive road you should pay very close attention.

15. Eshima Ohashi Bridge, Japan: it may look as if this road in Japan is been photoshoped. Actually it was not, this is how it looks. It connects to the town of Matsuri and Sakaiminato. The reason that the bridge is so high is that the shape we believe in the past they have what they believe, this bridge looks extremely dangerous from the distance. It is actually a well engineered bridge which is completely safe to drive on, if you’re afraid of the height you keep looking down.

16. The Kolyma Highway, Rusia: this highway is also known as death road, it is because all of the people who died while building the road were buried along the road or underneath. This road is very dangerous to drive on when its rainy. The clay covering the road becomes a thick mode breaking which can swallow up every vehicle on it’s way. During the winters you need to go about some zero (0%) percent temperature ice through the snow and it reduce the visibility. Since this road is so dangerous to travel many people in the area choose to avoid the  road all together, those who must drive on the highway do so with extreme care.

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