
Showing posts with the label Foreign News

Ethiopian customs to seize undeclared currencies, valuables in excess of $3 000

The Ethiopian Customs and Revenue Authority (ECRA) has recently stepped up seizure of  foreign  currencies and valuables in excess of $3 000 (three thousand US Dollars) from passengers transiting Ethiopia without prior declaration of such valuables. Acting Spokesperson for the Ministry, Mr Friday Akpan made this known in a statement. Mr Akpan said the rule on the forfeiture of undeclared valuables applies to all passengers travelling to Ethiopia or transiting, including the prosecution of offenders of money laundering in line with Ethiopian Laws. He said the Ministry therefore urged all prospective Nigerian travelers to please take note of this development and adhere strictly to avoid undue embarrassment at the airport. Akpan further stated that, the Embassy of Nigeria in Addis Ababa is engaging the Ethiopian authorities to secure the release of undeclared monies seized from Nigerians.  Eye Witness Submit Your Stories Email Us : Advertise Yo...

Reporte Especial: ¡Mucha gente en MÉXICO está Ganando Miles De Pesos, Y la Razónte Dejará Muy Sorprendido!

Mexico Si hiciste clic en nuestro reportaje y realmente decidiste leer este artículo, acabas de encontrar una forma genial de comenzar el año nuevo ¡te lo garantizamos! Antes de mencionar de qué estamos hablando, nos gustaría tomarnos un momento rápido para mencionar que en TodayPosts normalmente nunca hablamos de este tema, y hay una gran probabilidad de que nunca lo veas otra vez, ya que se podría quitar este artículo en cualquier momento. La razón por la cual decidimos mostrar esta increíble información es porque honestamente sentimos que puede ayudar a muchos de nuestros lectores. También queremos que sepas que realizamos una investigación profundizada y que no publicamos esto con fines personales. Si sigues leyendo esto, probablemente te preguntes sobre qué estamos hablando… ¿De qué se trata todo esto? No te queremos hacer esperar más, así que permítenos explicarte exactamente de qué se trata ¿Alguna vez has soñado con encontrar miles de pesos depositados justo ahora en tu cuenta ...

El Jefe De Estado S. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo Recibe A Su Homólogo De La República De Yibuti

Sobre las 17 horas del 10 de octubre, el Presidente de la República, S. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo , recibía en el Palacio del Pueblo de Malabo a su homólogo de Yibuti, S. E. Ismail Omar Guelleh, quien se encuentra en nuestro país para realizar una visita de Estado, en correspondencia al viaje de 72 horas que su homólogo ecuatoguineano efectuó a esta nación del Cuerno de África, del 21 al 23 del pasado mes de abril de este año 2018. Por otra parte, el Presidente Guelleh encabeza la delegación invitada oficialmente por el Gobierno para asistir a los actos programados por el 50º Aniversario de la Independencia Nacional el 12 de octubre 2018, en el Paseo Marítimo de Malabo. En cuanto a la visita de Estado, las dos delegaciones se han reunido para hablar de los objetivos de este viaje del mandatario de Yibuti a la República de Guinea Ecuatorial. De este encuentro han surgido dos carpetas que contenían el Acuerdo de Extensión Recíproca de Visados para los poseedores de pasaportes diplo...

NEWS: Cameroon Opposition Candidate Declares Him Self President-elect

JOMOTV -  Cameroon opposition candidate, Maurice Kamto, has claimed victory in the presidential election, declaring yesterday that ‘we have achieved our goal’. Greeted by screams from his supporters as he made the announcement, Kamto, who leads the Movement for the Rebirth of Cameroon (MRC), called on President Paul Biya to hand over power peacefully. Also read: Nigerian Director Forced A Young Girl To Remove Her Pant and Bra For Movie Rehearsal In His Room  “I invite the outgoing president to organise a peaceful way to transfer power,” he told a news conference in the capital Yaounde, giving no results to justify his claim. The election was widely expected to extend the rule of Biya, one of Africa’s last multi decade leaders who have held power for 36 years. Also read:  Cameroon imposes curfew in anglophone region ahead of ‘independence’ anniversary  “My mission was to take a penalty. I did it and I scored,” Kamto said to chants of “freedom” by jubilant supporter...

Dying Of Cancer; Spokesman Battles On, Gives Tsunami Report Updates

Log in with your Email: Get Latest Updates On JomoTv Indonesia’s disaster agency spokesman is fighting a daily battle to update the world 24/7 on the latest developments in a deadly quake-tsunami, despite his own impending date with death from terminal cancer. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, known affectionately as Pak Topo (Mr Topo), is the face of the government’s communication efforts to get word out on the devastating crisis on Sulawesi island that has killed over 1,400 people. The 48-year-old refuses to pass the torch, dragging himself to daily press briefings, taking reporters’ calls and communicating on social media at a frantic pace, even as he “feels weaker every day” from Stage IV lung cancer. “I can’t lie about my physical condition — the cancer has spread to other parts of my body and it’s weakened my body,” he said in a heart-wrenching message to reporters on social media this week. “I apologise if I cannot respond to every question from journalists, my friends. If I was healthy, I ...

Cameroon imposes curfew in anglophone region ahead of ‘independence’ anniversary

Cameroon imposed a 48-hour curfew on its English-speaking regions a day ahead of the one-year anniversary of a symbolic “independence” declaration by anglophone separatists, officials said on Sunday. The anniversary on Monday will kick off a crucial week for the country which heads to the polls next Sunday to vote in an election that anglophone secessionists have threatened to disrupt. “The movement of people between areas in the northwest is banned for a period of 48 hours from Sunday, September 30 until Monday, October 1,” said Adolphe Lele Lafrique, governor of the largely English-speaking northwest region. In October 2017, radical anglophone leaders declared a “Republic of Ambazonia” in the two English-speaking regions which were incorporated into francophone Cameroon in 1961. In Buea, a town in the southwest that has been at the heart of the nascent anglophone insurgency, officials also announced a raft “of special security measures”. According to a directive issued by a district ...

Rusian Actress slaps talk show audience member who criticized her child (video)

A Russian actress slapped a female audience member during aTV chat show after the audience member criticised her for having a baby at 49. Pregnant Evelina Bledans, 49, was on TV chat show to talk about being pregnant at 49. She is expecting her third child and had been invited to come on the show "Live" to speak about falling pregnant later in life.  However, while taking questions from the audience, an audience member accused her of endangering her unborn child's health and exposing the child to Down Syndrome. She went on to point out that one of Ms Bledans' sons has Down syndrome.  Audience member Elena Lebedeva said live on air: It is dangerous to give birth between the ages of 35 and 40 so what about 49? What were you thinking? Do you want to give birth to another sick child? Will you give birth to another child with Down syndrome? Nobody needs such a child, not society and not you. As Lebedeva threw the verbal accusations, Ms Bledans tried to calmly in...

We Say We’re The Best, But Is The United States Really All That Great?

Who are we as a country and society? That is the question all of us need to ask of ourselves after the latest embarrassment delivered by a seventy year old man with a fake tan, dyed blonde hair, and a penchant for birther conspiracy theories. Last week, in case you missed it or still believe climate change is a hoax, DJT announced that the U.S. will be backing out of the Paris Climate Accord. This decision comes against the advice of almost all world leaders, scientists, past presidents, business leaders, and more than half of the people he is supposed to represent. Relying on faulty data, skewed facts, and a keen misunderstanding regarding our changing environment, he has removed us, largely against our will, as a leader in clean energy innovation to a now disjointed backwater nation that refuses to believe in science. With that being said, I again ask, “Who are we?” If you were born before the mid-eighties, you most likely remember a world borne out of an absolute. Capitalism is good...


JomoTv News U.S. Sergeant Major Timothy A. Bolyard jomotv news An American soldier killed by an Afghan ally on Monday was the highest-ranking enlisted soldier of a unit that forms the U.S. Army’s newest adviser brigade deployed to Afghanistan, U.S. military officials said. The brigade deployed in February as part of the Trump administration’s latest strategy in America’s longest-running war.  U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major Timothy A. Bolyard, 42, the highest enlisted soldier for 1st Squadron, 38th Cavalry Regiment, a unit that makes up 3rd Squadron, 1st Security Force Brigade (SFAB) out of Fort Benning, Georgia, was killed on Monday afternoon in eastern Afghanistan in an apparent insider threat attack on American forces.  A Pentagon spokesperson with the Defense Department Press Operations Center told  Newsweek  on Tuesday afternoon that Bolyard's identity was reportable as of 3 p.m., due to his familly approving media coverage of his dignfied transfer on...

Trump's 'ultimate deal' for Middle East peace meets resistance, throwing rollout into question

In a file photo from March, President Trump, right, meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the White House in Washington. The two have a friendly relationship. (Associated Press) Two months ago, the long-awaited release of the Trump administration’s ambitious plan for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, what the president has called the “ultimate deal,” seemed imminent. President Trump’s two top envoys to the peace process — Jared Kushner, his son-in-law and advisor, and Jason Greenblatt, a former senior Trump Organization lawyer — had prepared and begun to circulate a 40-page draft. But the proposal hit a wall. Persian Gulf Arab states, which have courted and been courted by Trump, flatly rejected terms they saw as radical, pro-Israel and out of line with traditional U.S. policy and international law, according to officials familiar with the peace-seeking process. Also Read:  .NET Framework 3.5 installation error: 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907 Jordan and...

US ex-senator Jon Kyl named as successor to McCain

(FILES) In this file photo taken on May 10, 2011 US Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl, Republican of Arizona, leaves a bipartisan meeting of US lawmakers working on legislative framework for comprehensive deficit reduction hosted by US Vice President Joe Biden at Blair House, across the street from the White House in Washington, DC. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey is scheduled to unveil former Senator Jon Kyl as McCain’s successor at a news conference at the Arizona Capitol on September 4, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / Saul LOEB Arizona’s governor on Tuesday named former US senator Jon Kyl as the temporary successor to late senator John McCain, appointing a respected and powerful former Republican lawmaker to the post. “There is no one in Arizona with the stature of senator Jon Kyl. He is a man without comparable peer,” Governor Doug Ducey told reporters in Phoenix, with Kyl at his side. “Senator Kyl is prepared to hit the ground running.” Kyl, 76, was to fly to Washington to be sworn in possibly just da...

Lawmakers impeach all 4 W.Va. court justices over spending

© The Associated Press This combination of photos shows West Virginia state Supreme Court justices, from left, Robin Davis on Oct. 3, 2012, Allen Loughry on Oct. 3, 2012, Beth Walker on March 16, 2016 and Margaret Workman on Dec. 29, 2008. The West Virginia House of Delegates is considering impeachment articles against all four justices. (Courtesy of the Charleston Gazette-Mail and The Daily Mail via AP) CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia lawmakers completed the extraordinary move of impeaching all four state Supreme Court justices Monday night for spending issues, including a suspended justice facing a 23-count federal indictment. The state House of Delegates voted to impeach Justice Allen Loughry on eight articles, setting the stage for a trial in the state Senate. Beth Walker became the final justice to be impeached when an article was approved stating all four justices abused their authority. It said they failed to control office expenses, including more than $1 million in renovat...