
Showing posts with the label PMB

ShutGun And Firearm License Banished And Revoked - President Buhari

President Buhari - Jomo Tv  The President of Nigeria, His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari (GCFR) have today signed into law with executive powers to remove, revoke, banish all firearm or shotgun certificate or license in Nigeria. Buhari  This executive order will kick off from 1st June 2019. No one in this country is now allowed or authorised to own or carry prohibited weapons or gun. If you think you have any license issued to you in the past / previously allowing you to own or carry any type of gun, prohibited weapons, components parts and prohibited ammunition or selling; that license is now dead. YOU DO NOT HAVE A GUN LICENSE ANY MORE… Only the armed forces that are fully authorised can carry guns. All civil defense core and other security organisation are no longer allowed to carry weapons from 1st June 2019. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO SELL ANY TYPE OF WEAPONS ANY MORE. You must: now hand in back all type of firearm license or certificate issued to you in the past ...