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BREAKING: President Buhari lands in Nigeria (photos,video)

Buhari has arrived Nigeria - He was welcomed by dignitaries and aides at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International airport President Muhammadu Buhari has arrived Nigeria after 105 days away from work. He spent 103 days in the UK been treated for an undisclosed ailment. He was welcomed at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International airport by staff, aides, and some APC governor's including Rochas Okorocha. Below are pictures of him arriving: BREAKING: President Buhari lands in Nigeria (photos) The presidential plane arrives Source: Twitter, Garba Shehu President Buhari spotted after he left the plane in Abuja Below is also a video from his arrival: The president's long absence has been a source of several protests and counter-protests in the countryside many called on him to either resume or resign. Prior to his arrival,  jomotvonline    reported that he announcement of President Buhari's imminent return has generated a lot of excitement all over Nigeria and the presidential villa at Aso Rock,

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Kanye West splits with Jay Z's Tidal over money

Beef: Kanye West splits with Jay Z's Tidal over money dispute  According to TMZ, Kanye West has left Jay Z's Tidal company over money dispute and Tidal has threatened to sue him. Read the full report from TMZ below... Sources connected to Tidal tell TMZ, Kanye has been unhappy with the company for a long time. We're told Kanye  has complained the company owes him money -- more than $3 million. Our sources say a month ago Kanye's lawyer sent a letter to Tidal, saying the company was in breach and the contract was terminated. Over the next 2 weeks lawyers for both sides tried to resolve the conflict but failed. We're told 2 weeks ago Kanye's lawyer fired off a second letter declaring again the contract was over. Kanye's decision to split from Tidal predates the release of Jay Z's album in which he trashes Kanye, and we're told Kanye had no advance knowledge of Jay's lyrics. We're told Kanye's beef with Tidal is twofold -- his Saint Pablo al