
Showing posts with the label USA

We Say We’re The Best, But Is The United States Really All That Great?

Who are we as a country and society? That is the question all of us need to ask of ourselves after the latest embarrassment delivered by a seventy year old man with a fake tan, dyed blonde hair, and a penchant for birther conspiracy theories. Last week, in case you missed it or still believe climate change is a hoax, DJT announced that the U.S. will be backing out of the Paris Climate Accord. This decision comes against the advice of almost all world leaders, scientists, past presidents, business leaders, and more than half of the people he is supposed to represent. Relying on faulty data, skewed facts, and a keen misunderstanding regarding our changing environment, he has removed us, largely against our will, as a leader in clean energy innovation to a now disjointed backwater nation that refuses to believe in science. With that being said, I again ask, “Who are we?” If you were born before the mid-eighties, you most likely remember a world borne out of an absolute. Capitalism is good...