
Showing posts with the label Okezie Ikpeazu

APGA receives over 3000 PDP defectors in Ikpeazu’s LGA

The leadership of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has reportedly received about 3,500 members of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Obingwa Local Government Area of Abia State. Recall that Obignwa local government area where the incumbent Gov. Okezie Ikpeazu comes from is noted for their voting strength and in the 2015 election was said to have produced over 82, 000 votes that gave Ikpeazu victory in 2015 including Osisioma LGA. The ceremony to receive the defectors to the APGA fold could have held last week at the National Institute for Nigerian Languages (NINLAN), Umuokahia, Obingwa council area, but was disrupted by thugs allegedly hired by PDP which prompted the state chairman of APGA to issue a statement condemning the action. Speaking on behalf of the defectors, Hon. Maduka Akpulonu said they decided to dump their former party for APGA because according to him, PDP as a party has failed to provide purposeful governance to the people of the state in the past 20 year