
Showing posts with the label Motivation

The Value of Youth to the Cause of God ~ Chigozie Edum

Chigozie Edum  Which is the most difficult era of human life? Infancy? Adolescence? Mature adulthood? Agedness? It probably depends upon where you are as to how you might answer that query. While many might suggest that one’s sunset years are the hardest, my own judgment would be that the period designated as youth might be the most challenging. Youth is a frustrating time in life. It is that period when one is hardly old enough to be on his own, and yet he is feeling a sense of independence. Youth ever are attempting to find some sense of identity; that is why they sometimes act and dress so weird. They are bizarre! But then, so were we. The Scriptures represent youth as a time both of danger and challenge. Moses said that “the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Gen. 8:21), and Paul admonished Timothy to “flee youthful lusts” (2 Tim. 2:22). By way of contrast, though, the Creator also recognizes the value of youth to the divine cause. Youngsters have  en

8 topics that ought to be on every youth minister’s agenda | kingjomo Chigozie

One of the hardest jobs in a church these days is that of youth minister. Not just because the schedule of activities can be grueling or the work can be physically demanding. The reason, instead, is ever-increasing demands placed on churches and pastors for what youth ministry should look like and feel like. The days of the one-size-fits-all, “y’all come” youth ministry I knew as a teenager in the 1970s are long gone, especially in urban areas where youth and their families have lots of choices in learning styles, leadership, worship styles, fun factor and access to peer groups. Life for teenagers today is full of so many more choices than in previous times. That’s neither a good thing or a bad thing, just a reality. As television choices have grown from three networks to hundreds of options via cable and satellite, so have choices in virtually every other area of life expanded. Churches are not exempt from this competitive marketplace. The problem: Few churches have the capacity be

Child Abuse: Teach your your daughter All She Needs To Know To Avoid Being Abused

As an ADVOCATE FOR GIRL CHILD  I beg parents please look out for your daughters.. Teach them dangers of premarital sex.. Don't hide words from them Some men are just out there looking for young girls to spoil.. Advice your younger sisters too Ask and buy their needs.. Please don't let strangers do it for you.. Make your child confide in you.. Make your child free to discuss anything at all with you.. Don't be a too busy parent/uncle/aunty/.... Have time for your children, don't always chase them away with harshness please Imagine this secondary school girl Just imagine..(chai alili)   DISCLAIMER : do not claim ownership of any of the Songs OR News that we upload or post, and any copyright infringement complaints will be executed immediately! It is our policy to honor all take-down requests! If You Feel Your Rights Are Being Infringed Upon, Email Us : Promote Your Music, Video, Comedy Skit Here On whatsapp:- +2348109403485 o

5 Important points, To Know You Are An A Wrong Relationship. Kingjomo [Chigozie Ifeanyi Edum]

A lot of people end up having marital delay in life because they did not know when to let go of a bad relationship. Each time you hold a wrong angle of anything for too long; you miss or delay the opportunity to hold the right angle. Every one that desires to succeed on earth, have to take marriage seriously like God took it seriously. When God wanted to start human race, he started by establishing the marriage institution, and when he came down in human flesh to redeem man, he performed his first miracle in a marriage ceremony. These are not just mere coincidences. It was a deliberate act of God to show how important this institution of a man and woman's union is. Also you are not respected much or counted as someone that could be left with high responsibility when you have passed the marriage age and you are not married. Without a healthy family value, the society will get messy. I will encourage you to be very particular of whom you choose to spend the rest of your life with a