
Showing posts with the label Jokes

I need a guy who can give me so% of salary ?

Jomo tv

Next President Should Come From Edo or Kogi

I think the next president should come from Edo or Kogi... Christians & Muslims have failed us, let's try witches & wizards...😏😏😏yeeeee who flog me kpako😨😨gud pm b4 I forget joor😍😍 Gud Afternoon beta person.. @kedjomoofficial

Difference Between A British Facebook & Nigeria Facebook Post & Comments - Hilarious

BRITISH FACEBOOK POST: ANGELA GRANT: – I love my husband so much and I can do anything to please him. But I have recently been finding myself attracted to his younger brother, what should I do folks? COMMENTS: Vanessa Drinkwater: Oh dear! I have been in your shoes before. I had to wake up and face the fact that I am married. Tracy Bamby: Awwwww love….Get yourself a nice cuppa tea… it’ll sooth away that burning ache you feel for his brother…oh and don’t forget to watch Oprah later…*huggz hun* NIGERIA FACEBOOK POST. RUTH DEMOLA: I live with my husband and two daughters. Anytime my brother in-law comes to visit, I feel the urge to be with him instead. I need advice please. ? COMMENTS: Titilayo Kola: Ashawo! No wonder you can’t even give the poor man a son…so so daughters *mtcheew* Damilola Gbadamosi : Oloshi leleyi, Ur brother in-law ke, you nor get shame? Olosho! African women has lost their values! ? Amaka Ede: You are a disgrace to your family and womanhood. New JEZEBEL in tow...


The UFC is a sport where all fighting styles are welcome and anything goes. Well, anything except for the banned moves below. 1. Filming Your Own Fight And Yelling “World Star" 2. The Zack Morris “Timeout" 3. Gently Whispering “I Love You” Into Your Opponent’s Ear 4. Winding Your Punch Up Too Many Times 5. The Rachel 6. Tying Their Dick In A Knot (Or Boobs If They’re A Lady) 7. The Cold Shoulder 8. Yelling “Red Light” And Then Wailing On The Guy When He’s Frozen 9. Fighting As Oddjob 10. The “Got Your Nose” 11. The “Mom’s Spaghetti” 12. The Cosby Promote Your Music, Video, Comedy Skit Here On whatsapp:- +2348109403485 or call: +2347016093180

Akpororo, Uchbebe, Kenny Black and other comedians talks about Nigeria loose at tge Workd Cup.


What if we now hear that Tiwa Savage is Pregnant for Wizkid

What if we now hear that Tiwa Savage is Pregnant for Wizkid 😂😂😂