Breaking News: Dozens Escape Death As Tanker Ran Into Gutter At Ikotun Lagos [ Photos ]

Accident - College Ikotun Lagos Petrol Tanker Carrying fully loaded fuel ran into a deep gutter pot hole this morning. Bad roads has been the most discussed issue bothering lagosians, just this morning a tanker carrying full loaded fuel trying to divert as it was coming from governor's road area in ikotun at college bus stop where there was a big pot hole which was covered by road builders two weeks ago. but because the road wasn't well patched this tanker with its heavy load fell into the pit, Below are Pictures of the incident: Petrol tanker Accident - Fuel Tanker accident - fuel tanker accident - fuel tanker accident - petrol tanker accident More informations will be updated soon Stay Tuned... Eye Witness Submit Your Stories Email Us : Advertise Your Business, Promote Your Music, Videos, Comedy Skits On whatsapp Us:- +2348109403485, +2349026363510 Leave A Comment Below: