
Showing posts with the label Shop

Natural remedies for colds, other rainy season-related ailments

• Doctors recommend honey for treating colds The weather has been very cold in recent times. This is not unconnected with heavy rains that have characterised this season. Unfortunately, it is a season that comes with cold, cough, catarrh and other respiratory diseases like pneumonia and sinusitis as well as water-borne ailments such as diarrhoea and cholera. However, scientists have identified and validated natural remedies for rainy season-related ailments. Until now, several local herbs have been shown to have antibacterial and antiviral properties, while there are no cures for the flu virus, researchers suggest that many natural remedies can ease the symptom, which have been shown to provide relief and prevent viral infections.Top on the list is gin-garlic, which has been touted as the most potent herbal combination in the world. It has been used to treat from heart diseases to tuberculosis. A cocktail of ginger and garlic has been shown to be effective in bursting the cold and infl...


If you’ve recently been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, I’m guessing that right now your doctor has you on the Pill. You’ve been told that this is the only option and just to sit tight, wait, and then, if and when you want to come off the Pill and maybe try for a baby, there was mention of plans for surgery. You feel better, so that all seems okay, right? It’s exactly what a conventional doctor would and should be telling you. The pain and bleeding is gone, so you’re “fixed,” at least for now… From a functional nutrition standpoint though (that’s  my  area of expertise) that protocol doesn’t sound all that ideal. There’s a better way forward – no pain, but also no side effect laden pills or invasive surgeries. I know you want short term and long term good health at the same time – relief now and no fertility worries later. And you can have both, if you examine the root cause of your health issues. All this can be achieved by Healing or Shrinking out Fibroid Naturally with Her...

Your Guide to Female Infertility

Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility @jomo_tv If you're having trouble getting pregnant, your doctor will help you figure out why, and work with you to find a treatment that can help. Pregnant Woman  @jomo_tv What Causes Female Infertility? There are a number of things that may be keeping you from getting pregnant: Damage to your fallopian tubes.  These structures carry eggs from your ovaries, which produce eggs, to the uterus, where the baby develops. They can get damaged when scars form after pelvic infections,  endometriosis , and pelvic surgery. That can prevent sperm from reaching an egg. Hormonal problems.  You may not be getting pregnant because your body isn't going through the usual hormone changes that lead to the release of an egg from the ovary and the thickening of the lining of the uterus. Cervical issues.  Some women have a condition that prevents sperm from passing through the cervical canal. Uterine trouble.  You may have polyps and...

10 ways of Eliminating Staphylococcus, Gonorrhea and other Top Infections (STD)

The CDC estimates over 19 million new STD infections are diagnosed every year.,  almost half of them in men and women 15 to 24 years old.  Doctors say there anywhere from 25-50 different kinds of STD, though you have probably only heard of the 7-10 most common ones.  Most sexually transmitted infections are not deadly, and many are just inconvenient. Many people live their whole lives with an STD—but this doesn’t mean you should just “wait until it goes away” if you think you might have one. No one wants to go to the doctor for problems down there, but STDs can cause anything from the downright disgusting to pain, infertility, and death. Here are the top 10 most common STDs, arranged in order from most common to least common in the U.S. 10.)  Staphylococcus infection (staph,)” is the most widespread infection in Nigeria According to Statistics. He has said that the rise in cases of infertility in recent times is alarming, stating that it was not same in the olden day...


Different health issues can affect a  woman’s ability to get pregnant . However, one of the commonest among those issues is  Fallopian tube blockage  and this post is going to show you how exactly this happens and what you can do about it.  To become pregnant, a lot of essential factors need to be satisfied and the status of the  fallopian tubes  is one of those important factors. The female reproductive system is complex. So complex to the extent that if just one step in the system is faulty, it may affect the whole system and the consequences can be as bad as causing  infertility . FEMALE FERTILITY BOOSTER PACKAGE - For Hormonal Imbalance, Open Blockage Of Fallopian Tube, Make You Get Pregnant Quick How Do Blocked Fallopian Tubes Cause Infertility? To understand what  blocked fallopian tubes  are, you need to know what a fallopian tube is. The fallopian tubes are two thin tubes, one on each side of the uterus, which help lead the matur...

Treatment for Infertility And Cure

Treatment for Infertility 1) Education : We strongly believe that educating our patients about the normal process of fertility, problems that affect fertility, and treatment options will empower our patients to make the best choices. Understanding the normal reproductive process is essential in knowing when to seek help. Helping our patients develop a deep understanding of their fertility options will make the process smoother. Our goal is to have each and every patient feel as part of our team, a team that is focused on helping them have a healthy baby. For those interested,  we offer 100% Curative Natural Medicines That Boosts The Female Fertility        Click Here To Make An Order    2) Medications to induce egg development and ovulation:  The medications that help stimulate the ovary to develop mature eggs for ovulation come in two forms: pills taken by mouth and injections. The most commonly prescribed pill to stimulate ovulation (generally o...