Rusian Actress slaps talk show audience member who criticized her child (video)
A Russian actress slapped a female audience member during aTV chat show after the audience member criticised her for having a baby at 49. Pregnant Evelina Bledans, 49, was on TV chat show to talk about being pregnant at 49. She is expecting her third child and had been invited to come on the show "Live" to speak about falling pregnant later in life. However, while taking questions from the audience, an audience member accused her of endangering her unborn child's health and exposing the child to Down Syndrome. She went on to point out that one of Ms Bledans' sons has Down syndrome. Audience member Elena Lebedeva said live on air: It is dangerous to give birth between the ages of 35 and 40 so what about 49? What were you thinking? Do you want to give birth to another sick child? Will you give birth to another child with Down syndrome? Nobody needs such a child, not society and not you. As Lebedeva threw the verbal accusations, Ms Bledans tried to calmly in...