If you’ve recently been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, I’m guessing that right now your doctor has you on the Pill. You’ve been told that this is the only option and just to sit tight, wait, and then, if and when you want to come off the Pill and maybe try for a baby, there was mention of plans for surgery. You feel better, so that all seems okay, right? It’s exactly what a conventional doctor would and should be telling you. The pain and bleeding is gone, so you’re “fixed,” at least for now… From a functional nutrition standpoint though (that’s my area of expertise) that protocol doesn’t sound all that ideal. There’s a better way forward – no pain, but also no side effect laden pills or invasive surgeries. I know you want short term and long term good health at the same time – relief now and no fertility worries later. And you can have both, if you examine the root cause of your health issues. All this can be achieved by Healing or Shrinking out Fibroid Naturally with Her...