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A 16‐Step SEO Audit Process To Boost Your Google Rankings } Jomo Tv Nigeria

Follow this 16‐step SEO audit process to nail your site’s SEO and boost your search traffic. Most SEO audits have two things in common: Follow this 16‐step  SEO  audit process to nail your site’s  SEO  and boost your search traffic. Most  SEO  audits have two things in common: they’re too technical; they take  DAYS  (or even  WEEKS ) to complete! This one is different. It takes hours, not weeks, and you won’t need a degree in computer science to follow along. SIDENOTE.  If your site is  HUGE —I’m talking hundreds of thousands, or even millions of pages—it may take longer than a few hours. For most small to medium‐sized sites, however, this should be doable in hours rather than days. Here’s a breakdown of the  SEO  audit process we’ll be following: Steps 1–4:  check for  BIG  issues (that may be holding your site back) Steps 5–9:  uncover easy‐to‐fix on‐site problems; Steps 10–12 : analyze organic sear...