
Showing posts with the label Equipments

13 Essential Equipment for Music Video Production

A spiring Internet stars and amateur creators have been making their own videos for over a decade now—ever since YouTube first launched and became the most popular platform for sharing all types of video content. But back then, professional equipment was expensive and inaccessible to the eager newbie, which is why the quality often left something to be desired. These days, we are provided with plenty of options that yield professional results even at a low to mid-range price point. With the right equipment, pretty much anyone can make a high-quality video. It’s safe to say that music videos aren’t all that different from cinematic travel vlogs, short films, and other types of video content that non-professional creators usually produce. The only difference is that a music video will require more sound-related equipment aside from the basic filming gear that’s common in cinematography—particularly if the artist will be singing live. Whether you’re an aspiring singer or amateur vid