
Showing posts with the label Foreign News

Trump authorizes doubling of steel, aluminum tariffs on Turkey

WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump tweeted Friday that he has authorized to double the tariffs on steel and aluminum products from Turkey to 50 percent and 20 percent respectively. The White House has since confirmed the tweet. Tensions ramped up between the two countries over the detention of an American pastor by Turkey. Trump tweeted Friday that the US-Turkey ties "are not good at this time!". Trump added that the Turkish currency Lira "slides rapidly downward against our very strong Dollar!" The Turkish lira has fallen more than 10 percent since last week when the United States slapped sanctions on two Turkish ministers. Early Friday, the currency hit an all-time low of 6.30 against the US dollar. Turkey and the United States are currently experiencing rocky relations after the US imposed sanctions last Wednesday on two Turkish ministers over the continued detention of US pastor Andrew Brunson, who faces terrorism charges and up to 35 years in prison if foun

United Nations, Secretary-General Kofi Annan Shared A Throw Back Photo Of Him Receiving A special Gift [See Photo]

#TBT to 2002: On behalf of the United Nations, Secretary-General Kofi Annan accepted a gift of three segments of the #BerlinWall from the Federal Republic of #Germany. Promote Your Music, Video, Comedy Skit Here On whatsapp:- +2348109403485 or call: +2347016093180 Conductor Daniele Gatti Fired by Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Following Reports of Sexual Misconduct

AMSTERDAM'S ROYAL CONCERTGEBOUW ORCHESTRA , esteemed as one of the world's most important orchestras, fired its chief conductor Daniele Gatti today following a report published late last month in the Washington Post that the conductor allegedly made unwanted advances towards two sopranos in his dressing rooms during conducting assignments in Chicago and Italy in 1996 and 2000.  W hen the Post article was first published on July 26, Gatti issued a statement through a spokesman that read: “All my life I have always been totally alien to any behavior that may be referred to [by] the term harassment, whether psychological or sexual. Every time I have approached someone, I have always done it fully convinced that the interest was mutual. The facts referred to took place a long time ago, but if I have offended anyone, I sincerely apologize.” The Concertgebouw cited Gatti's statement in announcing his termination today. "These accusations and Gatti’s reactions with this respe | Sonya Yoncheva as Imogene in Emilio Sagi’s production of Il Pirata at La Scala Photo

Sonya Yoncheva as Imogene in Emilio Sagi’s production of Il Pirata at La Scala Photo by Brescia/Amisano – Teatro alla Scala Yoncheva and Piero Pretti as Gualtiero Photo by Brescia/Amisano – Teatro alla Scala Michael Jackson 'speaks' from BEYOND THE GRAVE to reveal final moments to psychic | jomotv .com Nicola Alaimo as Ernesto Photo by Brescia/Amisano – Teatro alla Scala THE WORLD PREMIERE of Il Pirata at La Scala in 1827 was an unqualified success and turned the twenty-five-year-old Bellini into the favorite composer of the Milanese. In 1958, similar acclaim greeted the sole twentieth-century revival of this quintessentially Romantic opera in Milan, starring Franco Corelli and Maria Callas. Sixty years later, a new La Scala staging featuring Piero Pretti and Sonya Yoncheva in the leading roles confirmed the validity of the musical dramaturgy crafted by Bellini and his librettist Romani but failed to bring the characters stirringly to life. (The current Ricordi score, which om

Indian Man Nasreen-Umar-Shaikh man stabs 20-year-old girlfriend to death 14 times for allegedly cheating on him |

A 20-year-old woman was reportedly murdered by her alleged boyfriend in Oval Maidan, Mumbai, India on Monday night – the police said the accused stabbed Nasreen Umar Shaikh, (pictured) with a knife around 14 times as he suspected her of having an affair. After murdering her at 9 pm, the suspect Salman Shaikh, went home and after some time spoke to the father of the woman asking him if she had reached home, the police said. Later, he accompanied the woman’s father to Mumbra, Colaba and Azad Maidan police stations to lodge a missing person complaint. The police have arrested Shaikh, 28, a resident of Byculla, who works as a delivery boy with Swiggy, a food ordering and delivery platform. “Salman came in touch with Nasreen Umar Shaikh, a resident of Mumbra, when she was working with Chai Pe Charcha Café in Fort,” said an officer from Azad Maidan police station. They were in a relationship for the last three months, said the police, adding that Salman is married and has a son. He helped Na

Breaking News: Op Ed: John Brennan Misses Communist Russia

John Brennan’s anti-Trump tweets grow more and more  maniacal. His latest tweet holds that Donald Trump’s Russian diplomacy in Helsinki “rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous.” That tells people all they need to know about the unseriousness of the left’s impeachment drive, not to mention exposing once again the demented malice behind the Obama administration’s spying on the Trump campaign. The unhinged criticism is also hilariously rich, given that John Brennan, who supported the Soviet-controlled American Communist Party, meets the textbook definition of a useful idiot for the Russians. At the height of the Cold War, he was rooting for the Reds, casting his vote in 1976 for Gus Hall, the American Communist Party’s presidential candidate. If anyone is adept at serving as a dupe for the Russians, it is John Brennan. To paraphrase John Kerry, he was for them before he was against them.

Jomo Tv News: #AbolishICE not trending among voters

The controversy surrounding President Trump’s border policy has Americans split down the middle over the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, or ICE. The latest Fox News Poll finds 41 percent of registered voters approve of how ICE is handling its job, while an identical 41 percent disapprove. That said, by a more than 2-to-1 margin, voters are against disbanding the agency (42 percent oppose vs. 18 percent favor). A large 39 percent minority says it doesn’t know enough about ICE to have an opinion on shuttering their doors. Voters familiar with the agency are more likely to both approve of the job ICE is doing (59 percent) and oppose its elimination (57 percent). About 4-in-10 voters are extremely or very familiar with the agency. Opinions on the job ICE is doing divide along party lines: most Republicans approve (75 percent), while most Democrats disapprove (69 percent). But Democratic disapproval doesn’t lead to a big push to dismantle the agency. Equal numbers of Dem