8 topics that ought to be on every youth minister’s agenda | kingjomo Chigozie
One of the hardest jobs in a church these days is that of youth minister. Not just because the schedule of activities can be grueling or the work can be physically demanding. The reason, instead, is ever-increasing demands placed on churches and pastors for what youth ministry should look like and feel like. The days of the one-size-fits-all, “y’all come” youth ministry I knew as a teenager in the 1970s are long gone, especially in urban areas where youth and their families have lots of choices in learning styles, leadership, worship styles, fun factor and access to peer groups. Life for teenagers today is full of so many more choices than in previous times. That’s neither a good thing or a bad thing, just a reality. As television choices have grown from three networks to hundreds of options via cable and satellite, so have choices in virtually every other area of life expanded. Churches are not exempt from this competitive marketplace. The problem: Few churches have the capacity be ...